12 May 2017
Monday the 22nd May, all year 7 students will be taking part in the Big Science Competition.
The competition is online and will be held during Period 2 classes. All they will need is a charged computer.
The Big Science Competition is an easy way to challenge students and track their performance against state or national averages (find out how you can use the results).
It’s a 50 minute, 30 multiple choice competition testing critical thinking and problem solving skills, not just factual recall, so you can find out what’s really going on inside their heads. Questions are set in real-life, contemporary contexts, making them relatable (and interesting). Take a look at some sample questions.
Competition questions in the Big Science Competition are aligned with the Australian Curriculum – Science.
Science inquiry skills: including identifying and formulating questions and hypotheses for testing; making predictions, collecting, analysing and evaluating data and drawing valid conclusions; interpreting and communicating information through appropriate representations and media.
Science as a human endeavour: including the development of science knowledge and processes across cultures and over time; its application in areas of human endeavour; its significance in informing personal and societal decisions and actions; and the influence society has on science.
Science understanding: core concepts relating to Biological, Chemical, Earth and Space Sciences, and Physical Sciences that are designated at each stage.
Still not convinced? Take a look at how the Big Science Competition differs from other competitions.