

01 September 2017

Our NAPLAN 2017 results have arrived. Our overall results reflect a significant learning growth for our students across all areas of Literacy and Numeracy. Our results indicate that Xavier High School has surpassed both the State and local Diocesan averages in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation.  

The NSW Minister of Education predicted that approximately 68% of Year 9 students across NSW, would pre-qualify for one of the Band 8 targets in Reading, Writing and Numeracy for the HSC Stronger Standards in 2020 – Literacy and Numeracy targets. We are very pleased to announce that over 80% of our Year 9 cohort have met at least one Band 8 pre-qualification in Reading, Writing and/or Numeracy with many having pre-qualified in more than one area. This is a great effort by students. Our Year 7 NAPLAN results have also realised significant individual learning growth for our students.

NAPLAN data provides us with a snapshot of our cohort which enables us to inform teaching and learning programs. This assists in the development of the necessary skills for our students. We have implemented a series of school wide initiatives, such as the @Xavier program in English, History and Religious Education to support and target literacy focuses. We believe this program has made a significant difference to our students. This is evident in the NAPLAN data for the last two years where we have seen significant growth across the cohort from Year 7 to 9. We encourage all of our parents and guardians to continue to support this learning by encouraging students to read at home every night, and to engage in the online programs we have on offer to improve student literacy and numeracy, such as Literacy PlanetMaths Online and Word Flyers as a regular part of their homework.